Ever thought of a web page working like a desktop application, not keeping you staring at the Hour-Glass icon/blank page for each interaction with the server? AJAX is the perfect solution. This is going to change the whole web apps world.
AJAX - is the acronym for Asynchronous Javascript And XML. AJAX gains its popularity by allowing data on a page to be dynamically updated without having to make the browser reload the page. This term has been made famous by some of Google's latest web apps. At the top of this list is Google Suggest, which gives you suggestions (go figure) on what you are searching for as you type based on popularity of the search term. If you aren't familiar with Google Suggest, check it out.
Is AJAX a new technology? The answer would be both Yes and No. A proper answer would be a new application of current technologies.
The JavaScript is the real meat and potatoes in AJAX. It handles the change detection, data request and receipt, and placing the data on the page.
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